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Our School Day

Gates open at 8.45am, the gates close at 9.00am and school finishes at 3.20pm

But our school day is so much more than this...

The school gate is open at 8.45am when a member of staff is on duty.  Once the gate is open and a member of staff is on duty parents who wish to may leave their child(ren). Reception parents/carers may walk their children to the Reception area.

The gates are closed at 9.00am. Any arrivals after this will need to come to the front door. The registers are closed at 9.05am. Any children arriving after 9.05am will have a late mark recorded.  Arrivals after 9.30am have their morning session recorded as an unauthorised absence.

Morning break - 10.30 – 10.45am for EYFS & KS1. 10.45 – 11am for KS2

Children in EYFS and KS1 receive a piece of fruit for their morning break. 

Children in KS2 are encouraged to bring in fruit for their morning break.  

Afternoon break is 10 minutes, EYFS and KS1 2.30- 2.40pm & KS2 2.20 – 2.30pm.


EYFS and KS1                             11.45am – 1pm

Lower KS2 (Y3 and Y4)             12.10pm – 1pm

Lunchtimes are supervised by Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants led by a Senior LSA.


The school day finishes at 3.20pm. Staff supervise the children ensuring they are collected by their nominated person. If the person collecting is not the person expected then the school office staff will contact the parent/carer to obtain consent.    No child is allowed to leave the premises unaccompanied or with person or persons not known to the school.     

Worship is led on Wednesdays by a member of Christ Church clergy team.  Parents are invited to attend in rotation to attend our Celebration worships on Thursday mornings.

Volunteers are encouraged.  All volunteers are required to undertake a DBS check which is organised by the school.






Year 1 – Wednesday & Thursday

Year 2 – Monday & Thursday

Year 3 – Monday & Friday

Year 4* – Wednesday & Friday


*Year 4 now go swimming on Tuesday mornings.




