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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Class teachers - Mrs Morgan and Mrs Beeson

Teaching assistant - Mrs Favager


We have had a wonderful afternoon, making and tasting smoothies!

When the Bug Lady came to visit!

We have had so much fun with Miss Fares from the middle school this morning! We created our own cactus leaves using clay and then we created patterns on them using the different tools. We are excited to see how they look when they are fired!

At the start of the year, we completed a drawing of a Coke can. Today, we have completed the same task. Look how we have progressed as artists! Some of the photos show before and after.

We have been using the clocks to tell the time!

We have been investigating and identifying plants in Science today. We discovered so many, right outside our classroom! We used the app ‘Plantnet’ to help us find out the names of the plants and flowers we saw.

Computing In Year 1! Piet Mondrian inspired artwork on the Chromebooks. The children had so much fun!

Nobody knows who Banksy is and he wears a monkey mask to hide his true identity. We have created our own monkey masks, using graffiti art to decorate them. Can you guess who everyone is?

We thought about how Banksy sends out important messages in his work. We created a ‘positive poster’, sending happy messages to everyone around us!

We have enjoyed the story, Superworm by Julia Donaldson and we have been finding as many rhyming words as we can!

We have been making different amounts using coins.

We have been looking at the artist, Banksy, in Art. We discovered that he uses a stencil to create most of his work. We looked at the difference between drawing freehand and using a stencil.

As part of our topic of ‘Under the Sea’, we have enjoyed looking at some 50,000,000 year old shark teeth!

We had not one, not two, but THREE mystery readers in Year 1 today. What a treat!

Staffordshire Cricket Day

On Friday 10th May we had a cricket day at school. Claire from Staffordshire Cricket came in and delivered sessions to the whole school. Here are some photos of the fun that Year 1 had!






We have been looking at graffiti and street art in our art lessons. We have recreated some examples of graffiti and we have created our own ‘tags’. What do you think?

We have been investigating fish in science. We used magnifying glasses to identify the different parts.

We love to read!

We are learning about position and direction in maths!

We have been very busy, writing non-chronological reports about sea creatures. Here we are, enjoying and sharing our hard work!

We created natural art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.

World Book Day 2024

We have been using non-standard units to measure in maths! 06.03.24
