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Uniform Information

Christ Church First School has adopted a smart uniform which is comfortable and attractive. This allows all children to feel part of the school community and wear their uniform with pride. We have devised our uniform to keep costs to parents as affordable as possible. 


The uniform consists of

  • a navy blue jumper or cardigan embroidered with the school crest.
  • a white shirt and school tie for Y3 & Y4,
  • a navy polo shirt for Reception, Y1 & Y2.
  • black, grey or navy blue trousers, skirt, shorts or culottes.
  • a blue and white summer dress in the warmer months.
  • sensible BLACK shoes. No trainers or sandals please.


To participate fully in Physical Education your child will need

  • pumps or trainers.
  • a navy school T-shirt.
  • black shorts.
  • suitable swimwear (preferably plain) and a swim hat for long hair (boys and girls).
  • in colder months, children can wear a PLAIN black or navy tracksuit, leggings, hoody.


The children in Y1-4 do not require a PE bag as they will attend school in their PE on the relevant days.

Children in Reception will require PE kit in a bag as changing for PE is part of the EYFS curriculum.


You can buy the school jumper, cardigan, tie and PE t-shirt from school. These are sold at cost price. All other items can be bought cheaply at supermarkets.


We also stock caps, woollen hats and school book bags in school.

School Uniform Prices

We try to stock most items at all times in sizes 26", 28" & 30/32".

We can order smaller and larger sizes and delivery is usually 3 weeks.

At busy times i.e. in September there is always a longer delay so if you can place uniform orders earlier it is helpful.

Payment will be made via ParentPay - we no longer accept cash payments in school. Please contact the School office in the first instance to check whether we have the item in stock. Payment can then be made via ParentPay.

Uniform Price List May 2023

Swimming lessons -   Swim hats are required for all pupils. Goggles can be worn but written confirmation of this must be given to School.
